Acupuncture Treatment For Acne

Acne is a hair follicle, a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands. The clinical manifestations: a good hair in the face and chest and back, can form blackheads, pimples, boils, nodules, cysts and other damage, is symmetric; acne visible to squeeze a black head and body yellowish white translucent resin bolt discharge; usually no symptoms, sometimes with pain and tenderness. The disease occurs mainly in young men and women in the past, but in recent years in adults also appeared comeback. Acne is multifactorial disease, its pathogenesis has not yet been clearly explained. But there is a consensus, lifestyle largely determines the rise and fall of acne, including bad habits and behavior, excessive consumption of fried or greasy foods processed by the additives.In the Chinese medical literature, acne is called "wine thorn", "acne", "lungs wind acne", "face sore" and so on. Early in the "Classic" there are records to Qing "Golden Mirror of Medicine, Surgery Tips" in the most detailed description: "This card is made by a blood heat, every hair in the nose and face, from the broken pimple, shaped like millet crumbs , Sechi throat, breaking out the white juice. "

Acupuncture Treatment For Acne

In the ancient books has no clearly documented. Modern reported earlier seen in the 1960s. Past 20 years, with the rapid increase in living standards, health of human beings for their own beauty also put forward higher requirements. Articles about acupuncture treatment of acne has increased dramatically. In acupuncture stimulation, the application is quite extensive, as with fire needle, acupuncture, pick governance, ear buried needles, lancets Bloodletting, from the blood and ear acupoint injection cutting governance laws. In effect, in order to more objectively verify the efficacy of acupuncture, it was compared Bloodletting law and medicine, Western medicine efficacy among the three, and found significantly higher Bloodletting France and Western medicines, and the cure rate is the lowest in Western medicine. Acupuncture treatment of acne and some efficiency is about 90%. Therefore, more and more attention at home and abroad of the law of acupuncture doctor and patient alike.Acupuncture treatment of acne require patients to pay attention during personal hygiene, wash your face with warm water, squeeze prohibition, scratching the affected area, eat fatness, spicy, seafood, not drink, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, keep the stool. Attention to rest, to maintain adequate sleep. After a relapse survey found that the majority is due to over eating spicy thick and greasy, indiscriminate use of skin care products, lack of sleep and other causes. Therefore, these factors should also pay attention to.


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