Best Foods For Acne Treatment

Hi, what is the best food for acne? Here are the list:


soybean for acne
Soybean contains a lot in favor of cell growth in vitamin E, not only can inhibit skin aging, soybean can prevent pigmentation in the skin. Soybean isoflavones also has antioxidant capacity, is to maintain the luster delicate skin indispensable food.

How to eat: Put beans in the night to wash clean, then rinse with cold soak, the next morning on a juicer juice, soy sauce and water with the ratio of 1:2 or 2:3 heating drink can be.


tomato for acne
Rich in lycopene, as a natural plant pigment, lycopene has excellent antioxidant, not only can protect plants from the sun, air pollution damage in the human body and the skin, it also can prevent aging and acne.

How to eat: Fresh tomatoes can be eaten with eggs, such as tomatoes or tomato scrambled eggs and egg soup


Seaweed is good for blood circulation and anti-stimulative for acne, not only that seaweed can shrink your waistline. Grow your hair. Bring down your blood pressure along with your blood sugar. Build up the strength of your bones and your brain. Make your joints stop aching and your bowels get moving. Give cancer short shrift, and give cellulite and wrinkles the old heave-ho :)


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